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  • Sarah Kennedy

▪when the struggle is real▪

Before my son started school last year, I really questioned whether or not he was really ready for it.

He had met his milestones later than expected, wasn't as intellectual as his sister had been at that age and in his Kindy program showed little interest in group time or learning (but loved outside play).

All of which was fine. He is his own person - but it did make me question his readiness.

My gut (and experience in early learning) leaned towards no, he's not ready.

But I just went with it.

It was his year to start, there was so much excitement around starting school and I was reassured by people that were much more qualified than myself that he would be fine and just I assumed that they knew best.

Fast forward a year and a half into his schooling and I to say that I am kicking myself for not listening to my instincts is an understatement.

It became pretty clear early on last year in Prep, that he was really struggling to understand and complete his work. Which has really affected his confidence. He has also had issues with his behaviour and he hasn't yet really formed solid friendships.

At the end of last year I asked again - is he really ready to move up? But was told again that he would be fine and have lots of support.

So up we moved to Year 1.

Don't get me wrong - he has heaps of support, we work together with his teachers and learning support and have tried all different strategies be he still really struggles.

I raised the idea of holding him back a year again with his teacher yesterday following an incident that saw him in trouble (for snapping pencils instead of doing his work).

She told me that she thought maybe it would benefit him, maybe it wouldn't. But that if I felt it necessary could definitely be an option.

They say that they avoid doing it (keeping them down a year) these days for the sake of their confidence and social development.

But if a kid keeps moving up when they're struggling and not 'at the expected level' - isn't that more detrimental to their confidence?

It feels like the more time that passes, the more he falls behind and the more it's affecting him in every way. But at the same time - if I make him stay down a year, is it going to hurt him more?

Any similar stories, experiences or tips are welcome. Feel free to PM me or comment ❤

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