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  • Sarah Kennedy

▪twice the fun▪

Finding out we were expecting.... and then learning we were expecting twins (when we were pretty happy with our 3) was a huge surprise for us. It turned our world upside down in so many ways.

After complications, hospital stays, and endless scans & tests, we welcomed our 2 new surprise family members (7 weeks early) in September last year.

We were very lucky that our babies were born healthy and good sized for their gestation. Though because they were born so early - they were tiny, required tube feeding and needed to spend almost a month in the special care nursery in hospital to grow before they could come home.

Having to go home from hospital without them was incredibly emotional. We knew it was for the best and that we had to be patient but it was so hard.

We juggled our 3 kids at home - trying to keep things as normal as possible, while trying so spend as much time as we could with our babies at the hospital. The weeks dragged on before they were finally doing well enough to come home!

Fast forward 6 months and we have 2 beautiful chunky boys who are meeting their milestones and rapidly outgrowing their little clothes.

Before them, I could never imagine how having twins (and 5 kids all together) would go. I think I kind of just held my breath an hoped for the best.

We might lack sleep, go through a crazy amount of nappies and be insanely busy - but these gorgeous boys fit so easily into our family and we all couldn't imagine life without them. Such a crazy, amazing journey ❤

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