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  • Sarah Kennedy

▪the days are long but the years are short▪

It's one of a million sayings you hear, especially when it comes to parenthood. And most of the time we can relate to it but usually more to the first part of it.

Because the days are long. Sooo long.

Especially when it's been a rough one, everything has gone to shit and you're almost certain your kids are ganging up on you to the point where you question how much more crying, whinging and squabbling you can take.

When bedtime feels like a lifetime away and everything feels like an overwhelming struggle.

(I actually feel guilty for sometimes feeling this way, but honestly somedays it is such a struggle to appreciate things 😣)

We sometimes just try to roll with it & try to 'get through' the days and weeks. We can get so lost in our responsibilities and lives that it can feel like a chore and we can forget to slow down and enjoy things.

Especially the early days, when sleep deprivation and teething are happening and the struggle is real.

The struggle trying to split your time and patience between your kids, relationships, jobs and whatever else you have going on.

But the years really are short.

So short, that one minute you're a young first time mum trying to navigate life for you and your little baby - the next minute you're dropping her off for her trial day for High School for next year.

When you walk through the school and notice that most of her once little classmates are now your height or taller.

When the conversations go from Dora the Explorer to friendships, crushes and those fun development and life discussions.

They are only little once. And they really do grow up as quick as they say.

And although it's easy to slip into a rut of just getting through and surviving the days - try and savour the moments while you can because you can't get these times back. ❤

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